Unbelieveable amount of resonses. Never seen that before.

We are not only totally convinced by the overall result but also by Wunderpen's thouroughly compentent and professional guidance.

Overwhelming feedback from our customers and partners, who received a maxi postcard and were in disbelieve of the authentic look of the handwriting.

The mailings is so succesful that we are planing it on an annual basis.

The feedback we received after our mailing made it clear and totall convinced us that a handwritten "thank you" note is so much more worth than anything else.

The personal and emotional impact of our handwritten cards in the welcome package for our new comers is irreplaceable.

Astonishing potential in our B2B correspondance, that we did not see before.

Through our mailing with Wunderpen's handwriting, we were able to reconnect with our clients on a much more personal level. Deep gratitude and hearfelt responses reached us afterwards.

Particularly for our Christmas mailing Wunderpen's services were really helpful and easy to handle. Although we know that the cards are not handwritten, when you look at them its hard to believe that it's made by a machine.

Endless lovely messages reached us. Many wrote, that they forgive us and would remain our loyal to the brand.Some actually mentioned that our card was the only handwritten post they got in these past years.

One of my customer was so delighted that she purchased 4 more products and even brought along a friend.